8 Best Free Registry Cleaners 2018 – Enhance Your PC Performance


Best Free Registry Cleaners 2018 latest

Registry cleaners are the programs that help to clean the unnecessary files or the entries from the windows registry. These entries point to the file that is no longer in use. So it is no harm to remove these files. Cleaning these files help the computer to improve its performance. It is advised to regularly clean these entries from the windows registry.

This article aims to provide the free registry cleaner software that you can find online. You can download this particular software on your computer and run registry cleaner for free. Some of the software might ask you to take the paid version, but the free software would also do the job. However, the paid versions might provide you with the better features. So here is the list of the best registry cleaner that would clean your computer for free.

List Of Best Free Registry Cleaners 2018 [Updated]



CCleaner is one of the best registry cleaners that you would find on the internet. It has some great features like cleaning the temporary files, notifying you to take the backup before deleting the registry files, and other useful tools that can either enhance or analyze the performance of your computer. It has got both the installable versions for desktop and also the portable ones online.

CCleaner is available for Windows 98, Windows 2000, ME, NT, Server 2008/2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8.1, 8. It is also a registry cleaner windows 10.

The CCleaner is also favorable with the Mac OS. 10.6 to 10.11.

While the installable versions can work on the platform mentioned above, You can use the portable version of the software can on any platform that you like.

Wise Registry Cleaner

wise registry cleaner

Wise Registry Cleaner is a registry cleaner free which is available as an installable version for Windows.

This Registry Cleaner falls in the category of some of the best registry cleaner. Some of the best features of the wise cleaner include the clear separation between the issues, updates, schedules scans, fast registry scan and much more. The software also gives you the option to install the disk cleaner software that comes along with the setup. You can easily skip but then blend of this two software is amazing.

The Wise registry cleaner comes in 2 different versions in which one is installable, and the other one is portable. The software is available to install on the platform 64-bit & 32-bit windows, Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10. The registry cleaner software supports the Windows 10.

Jet Clean

jet clean registry cleaner

BlueSpring provides this amazing free registry cleaner. It has a very well-designed user interface and scans the computer very fast.

Nothing is perfect, and the same goes for this cleaner. There are a few things that you might not like about the software. The software keeps many cookies that it considers it by default and it urges you to install a free toolbar it provides along with the setup but doesn’t worry you can opt it out.

Though the free registry cleaner provides with a portable version that has to be created by the desktop installed version, that is strange.

The cleaner is available for the Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. With no problem the software supports the 32 bit and 64 bits windows versions.

Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Auslogics Registry Cleaner is another best registry cleaner. It is one of the easiest ways to get your registry entries out of your computer. The free software scans the area according to the priority. It scans the area which needs much attention first. This is to make sure that the resulting impact on your computer increases its performance.

Like other free registry cleaning software, Auslogics Registry Cleaner asks you to install the other software too that you can uncheck during the installation.

The software is made for the operating systems Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows 10. It supports all the 32 bit and 64-bit versions from these Windows.

AML Registry Cleaner

AML registry cleaner software

AML Registry Cleaner is the top-rated cleaner and is suggested by many websites. The user interface of the registry cleaner is of the old style, but then the software is known for its strong registry search. It also provides you with a lot of additional tools effective in enhancing the system’s performance.

The software can work on both 32 bit and 64-bit versions of the Windows 7, 8, 10. It also works with the older versions like Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Registry Repair

Registry Repair

Registry Repair by Glarysoft is another great registry cleaner as it is easy to use and has some of the amazing features around. It is a great registry file cleaner if the other cleaners aren’t working for you.

It is available for Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.

SlimCleaner Free

SlimCleaner registry

SlimCleaner free has a lot of positive reviews from the users. Apart from the great user interface of the software, it is also a great option if you are looking for performance. It has great features like system cleaning, startup optimization, regular software update checks, and a lot of extra other features that comes in loaded.

the registry cleaner is available for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

jv16 PowerTools Lite


jv16 PowerTools makes sure that the useless registry entries stay out of your computer giving you optimum performance for the computer.

It is fast in locating the registries and cleaning them from the registry area list.

While the software is great at removing the entries, no additional software is asked to install once you install this software.

The free registry tool can be installed in various Windows versions such as 8, 7, 10, Vista and XP.

The above mentioned free registry software can help you get rid of the junk or the spam content. So go ahead and get one of them and enhance the performance of your computer.