10 Best Pirate Bay Alternatives [TPB] Torrent Site


The PirateBay Alternatives On 2018

People using torrent and those who download movie online are very well aware with The PirateBay website. A reliable source from where you can download the right movie without any virus or error. However, in the recent time, The Pirate Bay torrent site is down, and the users are facing trouble in downloading from a site that promises the same benefits and authenticity this one provided.

So in this list, we thought why not provide the top 10 best alternatives to TPB sites so that you can keep downloading the free movies without any trouble. Read ahead to find out more PirateBay Alternatives

The PirateBay Torrent Site Alternative For 2018

1. Kickass Torrent

This one is so far considered as the best piratebay alternatives. This one site has the right number of torrent files that redirect you to the right link where you can find whatever you are looking for such as software, movies, eBooks, TV shows, music etc. etc. The site also provides its users with the list of fastest Kick ass Proxy Websites.

2. Offline Bay

The site works ways different from the other torrent sites. Being open sourced, this one is not a full-fledged site of torrent but works as an offline cache for the site TPB. Merely download Offline bay and browse through the collection being online.

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3. 1337x

As weird as the name sound, this one site is prevalent among users who were regular on thepiratebay site, which makes this one the best alternative of TPB. When all the other sites are going down, this one site is proving to be the best alternative so far providing the users with everything they need such as music, movies, television series and much more. After tbp gone, 1337x is currently the most reliable source for the users who want a site to get the good stuff.

4. YourBittorrent

The name sounds familiar, right? This one is an automated site that searches the internet for host files but not thorough enough to read their database index. Because of this issue, the site also gives the links of files to the users which violates the copyright and makes the download illegal. It can be any software, movie or music file or something else. So be careful while using YourBittorrent as an alternative for The PirateBay site. However, they do remove the illegal trackers when the request is made to them, which is why the site makes to our list of top best The Pirate Bay alternative.

5. Torlock

This site is best when it comes to downloading the verified Torrents making it one of the best alternatives of PirateBay. This site provides verified torrent links for music, games, eBooks and more. This one is a torrent index that helps to get access to the latest television series for free and easy. Moreover, you what the best part is? They pay the user $1 every time they find a fake torrent link. Now, this doesn’t make this the super alternative of Pirate Bay then nothing can. Try this site for yourself.

6. Lime Torrents

This site is also popular amongst the Bit Torrent users as this one offers the excellent services too. There are lot many categories that this site offers such as applications, music, games, shows, movies etc. with the changed look, the green lime logo holding the site, has a cleaner homepage where a search option is available along with different categories for users to go through. The downloading speed is very fast, and the site is super friendly for the users. This one proves to be unquestionably the best alternative of the Pirate Bay site.

7. IDope

This one is said to be the tribute to the Kickass Torrents according to the internet and its users. This one serves the purpose of being the useful alternative whenever TPB site goes down. On the homepage, the option is there so you can find out your favourite torrents along with the categories available for you to fish out whatever you want. The magnet URL of the site is super easy to find as it is available above and you can copy it easily. This site has more collection than that of KickAss Torrent.

8. Zooqle

Better than the previous day, this site is slowly but promisingly becoming popular. This torrent site has an extensive collection of more than 3 million content which is verified. Find the links related to whatever movie, game or book you’re searching for and download it just like The Pirate Bay. To be more updated, create an account on Zooqle and follow the RSS feed.

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9. Katcr.Co

After taking down the original Kickass torrent site, the operators build up a new site in the form of Katcr.co. Let us say this one isn’t the best in the business but is working well as an alternative to the Pirate Bay during the time of need. You can visit the site and try for yourself.

10. Extra Torrent

This is another best alternative on this list and lot many torrent users are already aware of its existence. Consider this one as a search index for every torrent available on the internet. You name the torrent; you’ll find it here on this site. The site is user-friendly and is very dynamic to use.

So these were ten of the best alternative to the PirateBay. However, thePirateBay is available again after being down, but in case it goes down again for whatsoever reason, this alternative will be available for you to operate and get the torrents you desire without waiting for the TPB to be up and working again. Being a torrent, you must already be aware of how these sites work. Be sure that you do select the right link instead of the fake one and get the services you desire from these links. We hope these will help you and stay tuned for more updates in the future.

Pirate Bay Proxy To Unblock TPB : Pirate Proxy

If you have issues with pirate bay like it is not opening, or blocked by your ISP (internet service provider) you can use below mentioned pirate proxy sites or mirror sites provided below, these websites will unblock pirate bay and you will be able to surf and download your favorite movies, tv shows, ebooks with high speed. We have compiled only sites which having very high downloading speed.

  1. pirateproxy.gdn
  2. thepiratebay.proxyfix.com
  3. theproxybay.net
  4. thepiratebay.rocks
  5. tpb.bz
  6. proxydl.cf
  7. piratebayblocked.com
  8. pirateproxy.rocks
  9. cruzing.xyz