Lucky Winners of Attention! The Book by Jim Kukral


This past week, we did a review of Jim Kukral’s Attention! The Book, and we were giving away 10 signed hard copies. Yes that’s right hard copies. It was unfortunate that not many of you jumped on the offer because Jim is a highly known author published in sites like Wall Street Journal, New York Times etc.

The giveaway was twitter-exclusive where users were required to tweet about the contest and post a comment with their twitter link. Last requirement was that they must follow @wpbeginner on twitter, so we could notify them via Direct Message.

Winners were selected randomly. Each entry was assigned a number, and the lucky winners received our Direct messages. Ofcourse there were only 20 entries, so half of the folks that entered won a signed copy. Now that’s a steal because people actually attend conference just to get a signature by Jim.



Those of you that some how missed to enter this contest, then read our review here. You can also purchase a copy of Attention! This Book will Make You Money at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles or any other book store.

We would like to thank Jim Kukral for being so kind and offering 10 copies to our users. He is truly a genius, and we are looking forward to seeing him again at another conference.