Dental Clinic Management System Using VB.NET and SQL Server 2008


Clinic is a place where the doctors treat their patients for the disease that they are suffering from. Some clinics will be having only one doctor or sometimes more than one. There are things like storing of patients details, medicines available, appointments etc which needs to be mentioned. What if all these information are maintained at one stretch? Yes it is possible. The Dental Clinic Management System application will help in maintaining the details of the patients who come to the clinic, the treatment that they take, medicines taken and so on. This application will also help in maintaining the appointments of the patients. This application will help in easy data entry and usage.

This will be one of the best project ideas that one can work on. The database should be strong to maintain the details of the patients and the medicines in the dental clinic. This application will help in maintaining the efficient management of the clinics. The user interface must be simple and easy to understand even by the common man. Sometimes there will be medical shops along with the clinic. So people will be able to get the medicines also at the same clinic. This will be helpful in smooth functioning of the clinic. The modules that can be included in the dental clinic management application are as follows:

  • Patient personal details: The details of the patient like name, disease that he/she suffering from, medicines given and so on.
  • Appointment: The details of the appointments that have been fixed by the patients themselves to meet a particular doctor can also be organized well through this application.
  • Treatment: This module will help in recording the treatment details of the patients.
  • Prescription: This module will give the prescription details related to the dosage, days etc.
  • Case reports: This module will give the overall patient history like treatment, prescription along with the dates.

Programming language:

  • Front End: VB.NET
  • Back End: SQL Server 2008

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