14 Truly Artistic WordPress Header Designs


WordPress designs are often overlooked, and so are some of the web designers. But the truth is that there are a lot of WordPress designs that are worthy of the same attention as other art works receive in galleries. Below we have highlighted 14 truly artistic WordPress header designs that will make you look twice and want to stare at it for hours.

While we have tried to interpret what is going on in the design, only the artist can give us the real meaning. We are welcoming all artists, if they see this post, please post a comment with a mini description, and we will add it in this post.

1. Ma.tt


This is the blog of WordPress Founder, Matt Mullenweg. Matt has a very attractive header design for his WordPress. It is one of the most creative headers we have seen to be used on a WordPress blog. The grunge text style, with perfect colors and lighting effects make this header outstanding.

2. Web Designer Wall

This design by Nick La has received hundreds of positive reviews, and it is ultimately one of the best rated blog designs on the web. Nick has done an amazing job in displaying the true colors which are eye friendly, along with the perfect positioning of the logo.

3. Web Designer Depot

Walter Apai, the guy behind WDD has done an astonishing job with the header design which brings life to the site as a whole. The interactive header design shows the expert art touches which a user can just stare at for hours.

Correction: Walter has informed us that the design was done by Radim Malinic

4. Ayaka Ito

Ayaka Ito is a media designer who have really shown the creative touch on his blog. There is so much that is going on in the header, that it almost make a mind wonder what was the artist thinking.

5. Deborah Cavenaugh

This site’s header has a lot going on. It shows the true form of water color type art on a WordPress header. Would be curious to know what Deborah was thinking when this site was designed.

6. N.Design Studio

This site is also a production of Nick La who is known for his artistic designs. This header has very eye friendly color, and perfect logo placement. Although it is questioning what the birds are doing there, but whatever it is, it looks magnificent.

7. Jason Bradbury

Jason has a very interactive header on his website. The effective use of javascript and displays of images assures that he is really into gadgets like the website suggests. Header gives off a good first impression, a bit slow to load on occasions, nonetheless it is an amazing piece of artwork.

8. Ozon3

The designers of ozone has shown a very vivid header which even though does not look like has a lot going on, it does. The beautiful use of color, and the greenery effect makes this header a creative piece of art.

9. Amour Chaleur

After reading this site, it gives us the description of the name, Amour Chaleur. It is a French word for love and warmth. The designer make sure to convey that message through this welcoming header design. The scenery in the header just makes one want to stare at it for hours.

10. Carbon Sugar

The header design on Carbon Sugar shows that the author of this site is a hard worker which is indicated by the coffee. There is a ruler, paper, and other real life objects. This sort of theme is becoming rather common now in WordPress Blogs as there are quite a few that are using the coffee cup style.

11. That Indie Dude

The header of this site tells the user what this site is about and makes it clear in a very creative way. The picture you see at the top is a cartoon character of the owner Alex Linebrink. He says in the about page to be indie, you have to be independent, and you have to be original. We can assure you Alex that you are doing a good job with your goal. Very creative piece of work.

12. Cult Foo

Cult Foo has a very colorful header with a lot of art work. The birds are picking up the pixels like its a piece of mail. It is hard to understand what message the designer is trying to convey.

13. Basmati Tree

The header of this site is not very colorful, as it is using the grunge style. It just makes one wonder what is this piece of art trying to convey. What message is it sending out there. From the looks of the site it is a design blog, but from the looks of header, you can’t really tell that.

14. J.R.Velasco

Velasco has created a true master piece art work. People can stare at it and argue about what is the message this art is trying to convey, and still won’t come up with the conclusion.


Without these resourceful sites, we would not be able to make this collection.

If you want your site to get the same exposure, consider submitting it to the following galleries because most designer magazines, or sites like ours browse them to make our lists.