WPBeginner will be attending and speaking at BlogWorld Expo NY 2012


One of my favorite events for bloggers, BlogWorld Expo, has extended an offer for me to speak at an event. BlogWorld Expo New York 2012 will be held at Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City on June 5-7. For those of you who have been with us, you know that this is going to be my 4th BlogWorld Expo attendance (3rd time speaking engagement). I love going to this event and networking with industry experts. If you are a blogger living on the East Coast looking to take it to the next level, then you need to attend this event.

Some of the featured speakers this year are: Robert Scoble, Scot Stratten, Peter Shankman, Chris Garrett, Jason Falls, Zac Johnson, Chris Ducker, Missy Ward, David Risley, Mitch Canter, Jenna Langer, and of course Syed Balkhi (me). There are a lot of speakers, I just randomly picked a few from their homepage.

In the past, people have complained that BlogWorld was too expensive. Right now, you can get the 3 Day Blogger/Podcaster Pass for $197. (Hurry, this will expire on March 22, 2012). I think this is the best pass for the value. You get access to conference sessions all 3 days (unlike 2 days last few events). You also get access to keynotes, exhibit hall, all parties and networking events. The only pass higher is Social Media Business Summit pass which costs $697 (valid till March 22, 2012). It includes access to a special Social Media Business Summit Track, special summit break area fir networking (lunch and snacks all 3 days). So if you are on a budget, I will say get the $197 pass. But if you can, then I would highly recommend the $697 Social Media Business Summit Pass. Register Now

Now lets get to my speaking topics. I was invited to join a panel of speakers to talk about How to Build an Authority Blog and Brand. I will be joining Zac Johnson and John Rampton. I am also doing a talk on How to do Lead Generation in WordPress. I have tons of new stuff in the new talk, and I am sure more will be added until the last minute. From what I am told, my sessions are on Tuesday (Panel) and Wednesday (Solo). Don’t hold it against me if the dates change, but it is for sure that I will be speaking :)

The reason why I keep going back to BlogWorld Expo is because I have made a lot of great friends. I learned so much from very smart people in our industry. There is no one person that knows it all. Everyone has their specialties, and I believe in learning from their experiences. I have made connections at BlogWorld that turned out to be very profitable in the future (i.e new clients, referrals etc). Last but certainly not the least, Rick, Deb and the entire BlogWorld team is extremely nice and welcoming. They are there to help with whatever you need within reasons.

After attending and speaking at so many of these events, one lesson I have learned is that the earlier you make your reservations, the more money you save. If I were you, I would get the passes at this early bird price and arrange the travel details as soon as possible.

I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to the companies that stepped up to sponsor the trip:

BuySellAds is a huge marketplace to buy/sell advertising spots on your site. Over 750 successful bloggers use them to power their online ad sales. WPBeginner is also using BSA to maintain our ads. It is also a great place for advertisers. Over 1,000 quality advertisers use BSA to target the audiences that are right for their brand. If you are interested, apply to be in their marketplace now.

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