Ark Survival : Ark Console Commands & Admin Commands


If you want to take the easy way around, we have prepared a list of Ark Survival commands which you can use to boost your experience in-game.

You can use admin commands only once you have gained the required permissions on the server you are playing. This can be found in the server settings or through the use of an admin password.

Ark Survival Ark Console Commands & Admin Commands-min

How to log in as admin in Ark Survival evolved? 

Press TAB on your keyboard to open the console in game. If you are on PlayStation or Xbox, then follow the steps below to open the console –

PS4 = L1 + R1 + Square + Triangle

Xbox One = LB + RB + X + Y

Now type in enable cheats <password>

This command enables you access to use other commands on the game’s servers. The password that you enter should be the same as the server’s ‘ServerAdminPassword’ option (check here for more info).

How to use commands without login as admin – Ark Survival evolved?

You can use ark admin commands without logging is an admin. This process is known as whitelisting an admin. To do so follow these steps –

Go to the directory \ShooterGame\Saved\ and create a file called ‘AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt’ in it. The file should read somewhat like ‘\ShooterGame\Saved\AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt.’

From here you can list on each consecutive line the Steam64 ID’s you wish to authorize for cheat commands. These users of the listed Steam64 ID’s will be able to cheat without logging in as Admin.

Starting below is our ark admin commands list which you can use. The list is not fully updated.

Basic ark admin commands

1. CE <type>

This cheat enables or disables the weather in-game based on the area you are in.

Keep in mind you must take care of all quotations and spaces.

  • The Island

start time, stop time, heatwave, cold front, make it rain, fogitup

  • Scorched Earth

start_superheat, stop_superheat, start_sandstorm, stop_sandstorm, start_electricalstorm, stop_electricalstorm, start_rain, stop_rain

  • Ragnarok

“start rain”, “stop rain”, “start electrical storm”, “stop electrical storm”, “start sandstorm”, “stop sandstorm”, “start superheat”, “stop superheat”, Start_Volcano

  • Aberration

startquake, stopquake

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example – cheat cestoptime

2. Game Command<TheCommand>

This runs a specific game mode command/trigger.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known

Example – cheat gamecommandstartgame

3. PlayersOnly

This stops all creature movement in-game and stops crafting. Player characters can still move normally. To disable it, simply type in the command again.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known

Example – cheat PlayersOnly

4. Slomo<SpeedMult>

This sets the game’s speed multiplier. To revert to normal set it to 1.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

5. EnableSpectator

This enables spectator mode. (warning – this will destroy your inventory)

Compatible with gaming consoles: Limited. Many features of spectating do not work on consoles. You can test out yourself the ones which work.

6. SetShowAllPlayers<Enable>

This will show all the player names in spectator mode.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

7. SetShowAllPlayers<Enable>

This will show all player names in spectator mode.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

8. DisableSpectator

This will quit your character from spectator mode (as the character is killed when enable spectating, the respawn menu is displayed)

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Ark server control commands

1. BanPlayer<SteamID>

This lets you ban a certain player by adding them to server ban list.

Compatible with gaming consoles: No. You have to use ‘ShowMyAdminManager.’

Example – cheat BanPlayer 18446744073709551615

2. Broadcast <MessageText>

This lets you broadcast a message to all other players on the server.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example – cheat Broadcast Hey guys!

3. TribeMessage<TribeId><Message>

It adds any message you want to the specified tribe’s TribeLog.

Example – cheat tribemessage134785362 Hello everyone

4. DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck<SteamID>

This removes the specified player from the server’s whitelist

Compatible with gaming consoles: No

Example – cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck 18446755073709551615

5. DoExit

This command will shut down the server as soon as possible.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

6. GetChat

It will return the latest chat buffer (the same amount the clients see).

Compatible with gaming consoles: No.

7. GetGameLog

This will print 100 entries at a time also outputs to dated file in in “\Logs”. Launch server with “-servergamelog” for this command to work.

Set buffer size ?RCONServerGameLogBuffer

e.g.: TheIsland?RCONEnabled=true?RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600?listen -server -servergamelog

Compatible with gaming consoles: No

8. GetTribeIdPlayerList<TribeID>

This command will print a list of every player of a specified tribe with both PlayerID and SteamID in the console and a special in-game chat window.

Compatible with gaming consoles: No

9. TribeStructureAudit<TribeID>

This will give the console output of the types and counts of a given TribeId’s structures.

10. ServerChat<MessageText>

This command sends a chat message to all currently connected players.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Partially – Some players will see the message as if it was from a random player. Others will see the message from System.

11. ServerChatTo<SteamID><MessageText>

This command will send a direct chat message to the player specified by their int64 encoded steam id.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown

12. SaveWorld

Forces the server to save the game world to disk in its current state. In single-player mode, the game saves this information locally.

Compatible with gaming consoles: No

13. SetGlobalPause<IsPaused>

This will pause everything in the game.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known

14. UnbanPlayer<SteamID>

This command will remove the specified player from the server’s banned list.

Compatible with gaming consoles: No

Example: cheat UnbanPlayer 18446744073709551615

15. SetCheatPlayertrue|false

Enable cheat commands that affect the current player, mounted dinosaurs and the game world.

Compatible with gaming consoles: No

16. ClearPlayerInventory<PlayerID><ClearInventory><ClearSlotItems><ClearEquippedItems>

This will clear the specified player’s entire inventory including equipped items, and/or slot items.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown

17. KickPlayer<SteamID>

This command forcibly disconnects the specified player from the server.

Compatible with gaming consoles: No (have to use ShowAdminManager)

18. Kill

Deals a large amount of instant damage to the target that is sufficient to kill non-boss entities. You may need to execute the command twice or more on bosses or higher level creatures.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

19. KillAOE<category><Radius>

This does an aoedamange based on the category of things specified. Categories can be abbreviated into the first three letters of the name, (EG: str – structures) Radius defaults to 2000 if not specified.

  • Pawns – all nearby pawns (not structures)
  • Dinos – all nearby dinos
  • Wild – all nearby wild dinos
  • Tamed – all nearby tamed dinos
  • Players – all nearby players
  • Structures – all nearby structures

Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown

Example: cheat KillAOE Wild 2500

Ark admin teleportation commands

1. Teleport

This command will move the player character forward in the direction the player is facing until the character collides with an object or the terrain. If the player wouldn’t hit the terrain or an object, they are teleported to 0,0 instead.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Partially – Always sets the player position to the center of the map.

Example: cheat teleport

2. TeleportPlayerIDToMe<PlayerID>

Teleports is the player specified by their in-game ID to the current player.

Compatible with gaming consoles: No

3. TeleportToPlayer<PlayerID>

This teleports the current player to the player specified by their in-game ID.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

4. TPCoords<Lat><Lon><Altitude>

Moves your character to the specified GPS position instantly.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known

5. SetPlayerPos<x><y><z>

This command will move your character to the specified x,y and z coordinates.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Partially – Will always teleport to the center of the map.

Example: cheat SetPlayerPos -71467 -52156 0

Ark admin destructive commands

1. DestroyAll<Type>

This destroys all creatures of the specified type, both wild and tamed.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat DestroyAllAnkylo_Character_BP_C

2. destroy all enemies

This destroys all non-player creatures on the map, including tamed creatures. This does not prevent new ones from spawning as usual.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known

3. DestroyMyTarget

Instantly destroys the creature or structure in the current player’s crosshairs, without leaving any corpse.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

4. DestroyStructures

Destroys all structures owned by all players on the map.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known

5. DestroyTribeDinos

This will destroy all dinos on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

6. DestroyTribeId<TribeId>

Will destroy an entire specified tribe.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

7. DestroyTribeIdDinos<TribeId>

This will destroy all tame in a tribe.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

8. DestroyTribeIdPlayers<TribeId>

Will destroy all players in a tribe.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

9. DestroyTribeIdStructures<TribeId>

Will destroy all structures in a tribe.

10. DestroyTribePlayers

Will destroy all players of a tribe on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes 

Ark admin creative commands


Sets yourself in Creative Mode. The command can be abbreviated as GCM.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat GiveCreativeMode, cheat GCM


Sets the target you are visiting in Creative Mode. The command can be abbreviated as GCMT.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat GiveCreativeModeToTarget. cheat GCMT

3. GiveCreativeModeToPlayer<PlayerID>

Sets a certain player identified by the player’s ID in Creative Mode. The command can be abbreviated as GCMP.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat GiveCreativeModeToPlayer 1234

Ark admin player commands

1. AddExperience<HowMuch><FromTribeShare><PreventSharingWithTribe>

This command will add the specified number of experience points to the player (or the currently mounted dinosaur if the player is mounted).

This command is affected by the XP multiplier setting and the hardcoded multiplier of 2 since 253.0. I.e., the amount you will get is the value of the argument HowMuch × 2 × your XPMultiplier setting value.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat add experience 1000 0 1

2. HideRiders<visable>

This will make a rider of a dinovirtually invisible. You stay invisible after unmounting.

Example – cheat hide riders 1

3. EnemyInvisibletrue|false

Enabling this will cause all creatures on the map will ignore the current player, even when attacked.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

4. ExecSetSleepingtrue|false

Puts the current player character to sleep or wakes them up.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown

Example: cheat ExecSetSleeping true

5. Fly

This will activate “fly mode,” permitting the player character to move freely in any direction without physics or gravity being applied. Use the walk command to disable the mode.

If the command is issued while mounted (or the player mounts a tame while in “fly” mode) the animal cannot be moved straight up and down via the keys, but can be made to “fly” by either walking off a cliff, or by pointing the cursor up while moving forward (or point down to descend). Currently, the flying command does not work while mounted on Megalania.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat fly

6. Ghost

Activates the “no clip” mode, permitting the player character to pass freely through objects in the world that normally block movement, including the terrain itself. Use the walk command to disable the mode.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat ghost

7. GiveExpToPlayer<PlayerID><HowMuch><FromTribeShare><PreventSharingWithTribe>

This will give the specified player the specified amount of experience points. To easily give yourself experience, use the AddExperience command.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Unknown

8. GiveItem<BlueprintPath><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>

This will add the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

9. GiveItemNum<ItemNum><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>

This will add the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat GiveItemNum 1 1 1 0

10. GiveItemToPlayer<PlayerID><BlueprintPath><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>

This adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

11. GiveItemNumToPlayer<PlayerID><ItemNum><Quantity><Quality><ForceBlueprint>

Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat GiveItemNumToPlayer 1234567890 1 1 0 0

12. GiveResources

Add 50 units of each resource in the game to the player’s inventory. In vanilla Ark, this equates to 300+ units of weight, so you will probably be encumbered. (200 of which comes from Metal Ore, Metal Ingots, Obsidian, and Crystal)

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat give resources

13. GiveSlotItem<BlueprintPath><SlotNum><Quantity>

This command adds the item specified by its blueprint path into one of your item slots. If the item does not support stacking, items after the first will be dumped into your inventory. Specifying an invalid slot id will dump all the item(s) into your inventory. Item quality will always be 0, and you cannot request adding a blueprint.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

14. GMBuff

Gives player God, InfiniteStats, EnemyInvisible true, and a bunch of experience.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

15. GMSummon<“type”><level>

Spawns a creature of the specified type at the place of the player character and tames it. The dino isn’t cheat-tamed, so still requires a saddle. The level is without taming bonus, so if you want to end with a level x, you should divide that number by 1.5. E.g. you want level 150, that is 150 / 1.5 = 100. You type 100, and the result is 100 plus 50% taming bonus: 150.

(The quotation marks around the type are mandatory.)

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat GMSummon “Dodo_Character_BP_C” 100

16. God

This will toggle “god mode,” making the player invulnerable to damage from attacks, explosions or from falling. This does not prevent player character death by drowning (InfiniteStats must be enabled to prevent this). Repeat the command to disable the mode.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat god

17. InfiniteStats

This command refills the player’s health, stamina, oxygen, food & water immediately, and keeps them at their maximum level while the command is active. If the player is mounted the effects only apply to his mount, but not the player himself.

When firing weapons in infinite stats mode, no ammo is consumed from the inventory.

For weapons with magazines, bullets are removed from the magazine though. Once it is empty, and the “NO AMMO” message appears on the screen, it can be reloaded by either opening/closing the inventory or by switching weapons.

The command does not make the player invincible (i.e., he can still die from falls or high-level attacks such as a Dragon’s bite if the single-hit damage exceeds the player’s maximum health stat). The command also does not affect the carrying capacity.

Repeat the command to disable its effects.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat infinite stars

18. LeaveMeAlone

This will toggle a combination of God, InfiniteStats and EnemyInvisible true.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

19. Suicide

Kills yourself. Does the same thing as hurting yourself (see HurtMe command) for your current health, so it will not work if you are invincible. Was originally part of the game when it came out, but it was removed in a later patch. Since then it was re-added.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

20. ToggleInfiniteAmmo

Provides unlimited ammunition for all your player character’s weapons. Repeat the command to disable its effects.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat ToggleInfiniteAmmo

21. Walk

Deactivates “fly mode” (activated by the Fly command). Physics and gravity will be applied to the player character normally.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat walk

22. ToggleGun

Prevents the player character’s equipped item (or hands if nothing is equipped) from being displayed. Repeat the command to disable its effects.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat togglegun

23. RefillStats

This command sets all your stats to maximum once

Example: Cheat RefillStats

24. GiveArmorSet<Tier><Quality>

Quality – Can use numbers between 1 – 5

This gives you a full armor set of the tier specified and equips them for you.

Tier is required and should be one of the following:

  • Cloth
  • Chitin
  • Metal
  • Riot
  • Hazard (Full hazard suit)

Example: Cheat GiveArmorSet Cloth 1

25. GiveWeaponSet<Tier><Quality>

Quality  float – optional float between 0 and five that determines how good the weapons are.

Gives you all weapons in the specified tier, as well as the correct ammo for them.

Tier is a required integer and should be one of the following:

0 – Bow.png Bow, Pike.png Pike, Spear.png Spear, Bola.png Bola

1 – Assault Rifle.png Assault Rifle, Shotgun.png Shotgun, Longneck Rifle.png Longneck Rifle, Sword.png Sword, Grenade.png Grenade

2 – Compound Bow.png Compound Bow, Fabricated Sniper Rifle.png Fabricated Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher.png Rocket Launcher, C4 Charge.png C4 Charge

3 – Tek Grenade.png Tek Grenade, Tek Rifle.png Tek Rifle, Tek Railgun (Aberration). Png Tek Railgun, Tek Sword (Ragnarok).png Tek Sword don’t forget to use GiveEngrams first

Example: cheat GiveWeaponSet 0 1

26. GiveItemSet<Tier>

Gives you all items in the specified item set tier.

Tier is a required integer and should be one of the following:

‘0’ – 90 × Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat, 200 × Stimberry.png Stimberry, 2 × Waterskin (Empty).png Waterskin

‘1’ – 2 × Water Jar.png Water Jar, 200 × Stimberry.png Stimberry, 90 × Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat, 100 × Medical Brew.png Medical Brew

‘2’ – 100 × Medical Brew.png Medical Brew, 100 × Energy Brew.png Energy Brew, 100 × Cactus Broth (Scorched Earth).png Cactus Broth,60 × Cooked Meat Jerky.png Cooked Meat Jerky, 2 × Canteen.png Canteen

‘3’ – 5 × Shadow Steak Saute.png Shadow Steak Saute, 5 × Enduro Stew.png Enduro Stew, 5 × Focal Chili.png Focal Chili, 5 × Lazarus Chowder.png Lazarus Chowder, 100 × Medical Brew.png Medical Brew, 100 × Energy Brew.png Energy Brew, 100 × Cactus Broth (Scorched Earth).png Cactus Broth, 90 × Cooked Meat Jerky.png Cooked Meat Jerky

Example:cheatGiveItemSet 0

27. ClearMyBuffs

Attempts to deactivate all of your buffs (works on some buffs but not others)

Example: cheat ClearMyBuffs

28. SetMyTargetSleeping

Knocks out target Dino or player

Example: cheat setmytargetsleeping 1 (1 to knock the target out 0 to wake target up) 

Ark admin Dino commands

1. DestroyAll<Type>

Destroys all creatures of the specified type, both wild and tamed.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat DestroyAllAnkylo_Character_BP_C

2. DestroyAllEnemies

Destroys all non-player creatures on the map, including tamed creatures. This does not prevent new ones from spawning as usual.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat destroyallenemies

3. DoTame

Tames the targeted creature if the creature is capable of being tamed, activating all triggers as if the player had tamed the creature normally (sound effect, dossier entry, gives experience, etc.). Will crash game/server if done while mounted.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

4. ForceTame

Immediately tames the dinosaur under the player’s crosshairs. Dinosaurs tamed with this command can be ridden even when no saddle is equipped. Will crash game/server if done while mounted.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat forcetame

5. ForceTameAOE<Radius>

Force tames every dino in specified radius; default’s to 2000 if no number is given.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat ForceTameAOE 2500

6. RainCritters<NumCritters><SpreadAmount><ZOffset>

Spawns a mix of sheep and dodos above the player, cannot change the creatures as it’s hardcoded into the game.

Default numbers are 30 300 200

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat RainCritters 10 500 25

7. RainDinos<NumDinos><SpreadAmount><ZOffset>

Spawns a mix of trikes and parasaurs above the player, cannot change the creatures as it’s hardcoded into the game.

Default numbers are 30 300 200

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example:cheatRainDinos 10 500 25

8. RainDanger<NumDinos><SpreadAmount><ZOffset>

Spawns a mix of rexes and allows above the player, cannot change the creatures as it’s hardcoded into the game.

Default numbers are 30 300 200

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat RainDanger 10 500 25

9. SetBabyAge<AgeValue>

Sets the age of the target baby dino.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

10. SetImprintQuality<ImprintValue>

Sets the value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%) of the target baby or adult bred dino.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

11. SetImprintedPlayer<NewImprinterName><playerID>

Changes the imprinted player of the target dino to the provided player name/id.

12. TransferImprints<oldPlayerID><newPlayerID><NewImprinterName>

Transfers all dinos that are imprinted on the oldPlayerId to the newPlayerId. If the newPlayerId is online or located it will use that player’s name otherwise it will use NewImprinterName.

13. SetTargetDinoColor<ColorRegion><ColorID>

Sets the dino you target to specified color/s.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 0

14. SpawnActor<BlueprintPath><SpawnDistance><SpawnYOffset><ZOffset>

  • BlueprintPath – String – Blueprint path
  • SpawnDistance – Float – Distance in direction of viewing.
  • SpawnYOffset – Float – Distance above or below of the direction of viewing.
  • ZOffset – Float – Distance right or left of the direction of viewing.
  • Spawns the entity specified by its blueprint path at a random level.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat spawnactor”Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'” 500 0 0

15. SpawnActorSpread<BlueprintPath><SpawnDistance><SpawnYOffset><ZOffset><NumberActors><SpreadAmount>

  • BlueprintPath – String – Blueprint path
  • SpawnDistance – Float – Distance in direction of viewing.
  • SpawnYOffset – Float – Distance above or below of the direction of viewing.
  • ZOffset – Float – Distance right or left of the direction of viewing.
  • NumberActors – Integer[32] – Number of the specified entities to spawn.
  • SpreadAmount – Float – Unknown?

Spawns some entities in the specified area.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

16. SpawnDino<BlueprintPath><SpawnDistance><SpawnYOffset><ZOffset><DinoLevel>

  • BlueprintPath – String – Blueprint path
  • SpawnDistance – Float – Distance in the direction of viewing.
  • SpawnYOffset – Float – Distance above or below of the direction of viewing.
  • ZOffset – Float – Distance right or left of the direction of viewing.
  • NumberActors – Integer[32] – Number of the specified entities to spawn.
  • SpreadAmount – Float – Unknown?

Spawns a leveleddino specified by its blueprint path.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat spawning “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'” 500 0 0 120

17. Summon <type>

Spawn a creature of the specified type at the place of the player character. Also. Usable to spawn Beacons.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat summon Ankylo_Character_BP_C

18. SummonTamed<type>

Spawn a force-tamed creature of the specified type at the place of the player character.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

Example: cheat summontamedAnkylo_Character_BP_C 

Ark admin no cheat commands

1. DebugStructures

Toggles the display of debugging information on structures when you look at them, including the structure’s class name and entity ID. You can use the class name in other commands.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

2. Stat <Command>

Enables an on-screen display showing various debug information.

Only the standalone stat commands from UE3/UE4 are available – the multi-stat output table has been disabled. Prefix all stat commands with the “stat” command (example: “stat fps” to show fps.) Enter the same stat command to disable showing it.

  • FPS – Displays the current number of frames being rendered per second and the amount of time taken to render the frame in milliseconds (ms).
  • Levels – Displays a list of currently active levels and displays their status through color coding. Streaming levels are grouped under the persistent level. The number of seconds next to the level name is the time it took from load request to load finish.
  • Unit – Displays the time spent for the current frame on the CPU, the time spent in the game thread, the time spent in the render thread, and the time spent for the current frame on the GPU. The GPU frame time is only displayed if the time spent is greater than 0 (g., the GPU is being used / does exist).
  • UnitGraph – Normally graphs the information in the “stat unit” command in UE4 games, but the graph is also disabled. Color codes the labels in the “stat unit” command output.

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.

Example: cheat Stat fps

3. ShowDebug<value>

Enables an on-screen overlay showing various debug information.

Prefix the value in the first column with ShowDebug, e.g., ShowDebug reset

  • Reset – Resets everything to normal
  • Physics – This will show you Location, Speed & Gravity
  • Camera – This will show you information about your camera (position, FOV, angle, etc.)
  • Bones – Use 3rd person view to see the skeletal mesh
  • Animation – Shows information about animation
  • Input – All input keys are a show with their action while pressing them + mouse & joystick input
  • Collision – Shows radius and height of your collision model (not sure)
  • net Shows – remote role and NetNode
  • weapon – No special information is given
  • ai – No special information is given

Compatible with gaming consoles: Yes

4. SetGraphicsQuality<Quality>

Sets your client’s graphics quality. Note that Ark claims the quality parameter is an Integer [32], but it does accept decimals (so I called it afloat, not sure if that’s correct). This command is a general command that affects many different graphics settings, all of which will be set to the new value (rounding if necessary). This command does not change the quality to the graphics presets, which are generally much better to use. The table below lists the approximate corresponding graphics qualities.

<0 – Low

1 – Medium

2 – High

>3 – Epic

Compatible with gaming consoles: Not Known.