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How to get full current page URL in PHP?

You can simply use PHP predefined variable $_SERVER to get the full current page URL in PHP. The $_SERVER is a superglobal variable in PHP, $_SERVER is an array containing information such as headers, paths, and script locations. In…

How to parse URL and get URI segment in PHP

How to parse url and get URI segment in PHP In this quick post I’ll will show you How to parse url and get URI segment in PHP, The URL segments are used for many purposes in the web based application. for parsing URL segment easily you can…

How to Convert HTML to PDF in PHP with fpdf

HTML to PDF conversion is always a problem for PHP Programmers and all the time they search for suitable solutions so after reviewing this article you will not take more than 10 minutes to configure HTML to PDF, I have used a library fpdf …

How to Convert an array to XML using PHP

If you want to render php array output into XML then here I am going to share a wonderful PHP class to easily convert multidimensional array to XML. You can also use same for creating API’s to share your data with other’s in XML format. As…

How to Use Twitter API with PHP

Twitter is an information network and communication mechanism that produces more than 200 million tweets a day. The Twitter platform offers API’s to access their data. Each API represents a facet of Twitter, and allows developers to build…