How to Add a Facebook Follow Button for Authors in WordPress


Not every blog needs a facebook fan page. If you have a personal blog, then you can easily use your Facebook profile and the subscription feature to allow users to follow you on facebook. Similar to the like box, facebook offers a follow button for users to use on their websites. Recently, one of users asked us how to add a Facebook follow button in WordPress. In this article we will show you how to add a Facebook follow button for authors in WordPress.

For single author blogs, you can just get the code from Facebook Social plugins page and paste it in your templates or a widget. On the other hand sites with multiple authors have to take few more steps.

Facebook Follow Button

Video Tutorial

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Adding Facebook Follow Button for a Single Author WordPress Blog

For a single author WordPress website, the simplest way to add a Facebook Follow button is by getting the code from Facebook Social Plugins website and pasting it into your WordPress theme template, widget, or a page.

Manually adding Facebook follow button from Facebook social plugins website

Simply provide the Facebook profile URL of the user, and facebook will automatically generate a preview of the follow button on the right. Choose a layout and configure the appearance of the plugin, and then click the Get code button. Copy the code in <iframe> tab and paste it in a widget, post, or page.

Get the follow button code in an iframe for your WordPress website

Adding Facebook Follow Button on Multi-Author WordPress Blog

First thing you need to do is install and activate Facebook plugin. Upon activation the plugin adds a Facebook menu item in your WordPress admin sidebar. Clicking on it will take you to plugin’s General settings page. This page will ask you to provide application key and secret key.

How to create a Facebook Application for your Website

Go to Facebook Developers website and log in with your Facebook account. Next, click on Create New App button.

Creating a new Facebook App

A small pop up would appear, and it will ask you to provide a name for your app. The other two fields in this form are optional.

Give a name to your Facebook app

Now you will land on a developer page for your app where you will see your App ID and APP Secret Key. You need to copy those keys and enter them into the Facebook plugin’s page on your WordPress website.

Adding the Facebook Follow Button

Go to Facebook » Follow Button menu option. The plugin settings are pretty intuitive. You would need to choose where you want the follow button to appear (posts, page, archives, home, etc.) and position (before or after posts, or both). Ideally, you would want to display author information on single posts. Depending on your theme, you can choose to display the Facebook follow button below the posts or before the post content. You can also choose the color scheme and content width. There are three layout available for the follow button (standard, button count, and box count). Choose the one that compliments your site’s layout and save changes.

Follow button layouts

Once the app setup is complete, each user must connect their Facebook account with the site. If you are the only author on your website, then go to Facebook » Social Publisher and click on the link Associate your WordPress account with a Facebook account.

Connect your WordPress website account to your Facebook account

Clicking on the link will open a pop-up window asking your permission to connect your WordPress website’s app and your Facebook account.

Other authors on your website can connect their accounts from Users » Profile page. Where they will see a link to connect their account.

Authors can connect their accounts to Facebook too

Example Screenshot

Facebook Follow Button

Aside from the follow button, Facebook offers various other ways to integrate your website with Facebook such as: Facebook comments, Facebook Like button, Facebook Send Button etc.

We hope that this article helped you add a Facebook follow button for authors on your WordPress site. If you have any questions or suggestions, then please leave a comment below.